A new city publication. CONTU is a young, modern and independent city publication, exploring different cities through the eyes of their people while celebrating slow travel journalism.

  • Volume 1 - The Berlin Issue (Print)

  • Volume 1 - The Berlin Issue (Digital)

  • PREORDER Volume 2 – The Athens Issue

Marie Janda x CONTU

Postcards from Berlin.
A collaboration of Berlin moments captured by
Berlin based graphic designer Marie Janda.

“A city is a place where there is no need to wait for next week to get the answer to a question, to taste the food of any country, to find
new voices to listen to and familiar ones to listen to again.”


What readers are saying

“The magazine is super well-made and high-quality.
In our house, it will be the new coffee table book. It
has beat Anthony Bourdain’s restaurant collection.”

— Franziska

“I just want to say: Wow! I bought the Digital Magazine yesterday and it is beautiful and so insightful. Thank you for offering a digital magazine.”

— Mara

“I have the print edition and it is a book! I read in it every day, so many cool people and really good tips It’s perfect for the upcoming Berlin trip.”

— Leni